Comments on This Ad Fail
die hard lol
The other 3/4 do what they're told
I just came to type that this was a fucking good one.
what do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing! You already told her twice! Mwa ha ha....
You don't wanna PAY MORE do you???
the last king of scotland? CHRISTFUCK, DON'T GIVE HIM IDEAS
beating + Rocky Balboa = more beating
Time to build some HURTIN' BOMBS.
nothin like being treated after the beating the wife...what's the first thing a women does when she gets back from the domestic violence shelter? the dishes if she knows whats good for her!!
i really hope all those comments are just jokes. cos if they are i find them funny, but if theyre not, im a coming for you...
add win.
1 out of 4 women should have come back from the kitchen with my sammich.
pay him $5 and you beat him
die hard lol