Comments on This Ad Fail
I work at a McDonald's and someone I work with once started taking an order in drive-thru with "Welcome to McDonald's, would you like an anus meal?"
lol at the mcdonalds my brother works at someone changed the sign to say anus instead of angus burger:D
badabababaaa im lovin' it
It's not photoshopped. It's called culture-jamming. Look it up.
thats a weird crossing sign
You won't believe the sh*t that comes out of that place.
mmhh, anus.wait what?
This isn't photoshopped. I've seen this sign, it was in Brisbane.
Verrrrry fancy.
this is not photoshopped but it is just a mcdonalds new burger
Obvious shopped is obvious.
If MacDonalds where forced to be honest...
sorry, i'm not loving it.
mmmmm anus beeeff