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I work at a McDonald's and someone I work with once started taking an order in drive-thru with "Welcome to McDonald's, would you like an anus meal?"
lol at the mcdonalds my brother works at someone changed the sign to say anus instead of angus burger:D
badabababaaa im lovin' it
It's not photoshopped. It's called culture-jamming. Look it up.
thats a weird crossing sign
You won't believe the sh*t that comes out of that place.
mmhh, anus.wait what?
this is not photoshopped but it is just a mcdonalds new burger
Verrrrry fancy.
If MacDonalds where forced to be honest...
Obvious shopped is obvious.
This isn't photoshopped. I've seen this sign, it was in Brisbane.
sorry, i'm not loving it.
mmmmm anus beeeff