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Kids eat with Free Gas it meant. But when you read it Kids with Gas eat free "self service" LOL
But the Rest Room will cost ya...
Hope there's not going to be candle lit dinners!
Who eats at a gas station?
Wow ur making your kids eat gas just to make ur gas free *** u its gonna give ur kids some serious gas and possible death
Lets eat some some beans!!!
Order your meal to go
Fart alot! Pay little!
If you read the small writing it say kids under 12 with purchase of gas. They new what they were getting themselves into XD
Then toot on down the road!
Thats gunna be one smelly restroom .. ergh .. little shef , more like little shit
stop my engine?? (my gas) its unstoppable!!!
darn im 13! i guess i can still pass off as a 12 year old...
Don't u have to be 16 to buy gas?
Kids eat with Free Gas it meant. But when you read it Kids with Gas eat free "self service" LOL