Comments on This Ad Fail
Fuckin magnet ads, how do they work?
ORABRUSH ROX its funny
F***ing magnet ads, how do they get work?
Magnets, now the new weight loss fad. Cows use them, ICP uses them, so they must work!
"smell your own breath" fuk off evreyones clicked on it already. we are not going to but all this shit when half of us dont want to and the other half will just ask someone. and the stupid percent of people will buy it. ipad, kinect, ipad, kinect, ipad, shut the fuk up and let me watch this video!
Hey fuck u Eminem is the best damn rapper out there so y don't u go fuck yourself
I got the magcraft ad!
The fail is that you went to listen to a ICP song
jesus christ im sick of that "Smell your awn breath" video being featured bloody everywhere
This is not fail, It's a win!
Holy god that's an old version of YouTube O.o
stupid insane cracker posse and their clown pedophile makeup. they make eminem look good
the 'ho' is flying towards the woman in the smell your breath ad..
it says 'HO' on his sleeve!!
... ho.
Fuckin magnet ads, how do they work?