Comments on This Ad Fail
nawt if ur a chick
With your host...Justin Bieber!
How fkn big was STA's weiner???
Capcha: 'goody goody gumdrops' ... well someone's excited.
worst... party... ever...
lol, doraleous and associates, the sausagefest, no idea it was a real thing
sounds like a great party to me
Wurst advert ever.
Come on people. Someone has to suck dick for cancer.
best... party... ever...
Well, at least it's better than Lemon Party.
Is it a coincidence that the "sausagefest" is sponsored by a catholic church?
im damn proud of my school
My town has an annual sausage-fest too! I've never been.
In my country, "worst" has the double meaning off... You guessed it... Penis.
Yeah, but it's only for preteen boys....
nawt if ur a chick