Comments on This Ad Fail
minty fresh racism
is that colgate with 3 k's?
I tried to come up with something funny, but all I posted was this stupid comment.
Dentist Recommended, Klansmen Approved!
Whit Power! its right inside of me!
Making the world white starts with your teeth aparently...
Yay! Another Lebanese related ad :D!
Wher's the token black kid in this ad ?
It doesn't matter if it takes 12 saats to happen. It's still racist!
wow highest rated comment goes to some un funny fag who admits he fails. obviously alot of people related to him which im not surprised about.
Is that Anal bleaching cream?
how is this any more racist than a black person saying black power?
Wow, I just saw this on the front page of funny junk
(A)nal. its name tells everything.
The Brand Is Anal
I rely on Crest before I lynch Cavity Creeps.
White power.<3
minty fresh racism